
August, 18th & 19th 2018 Tabuan traditional market, Cebu City The buddies and us There is actually no school on Saturday but since there will be no school on Tuesday because of Eid Al Adha and Ninoy Aquino day so the school has it off too on Monday and move it to Saturday instead. We did not come to school on Saturday since ma’am Rita said we were going on city tour. But it was raining all day so we just stayed inside. Around afternoon, one of our buddy here, Reggy, introduced us to our other buddies. They are so nice and friendly! The next day we were taken to the traditional market near our place called Tabuan. There we bought some foods and necessities since its cheaper to get them there than the mall where we usually got them. and afterward we went around the city with one of the buddies, he showed us around all the places that many tourists visit. Plaza De La Independencia Cebu City buying some souvenirs at Colon street FORT SAN DIEGO ...